how can botox help your overactive bladder
How does Botox work for incontinence? "The drug decreases the spasms that cause overactive bladder symptoms," Dr. Vasavada explains. "It's not so much for frequency of urination, as much as that sudden urge to go. It's good to help people when it's something they can't postpone without... Loading the player... If you've tried to ease your overactive bladder symptoms with lifestyle changes and medications and nothing seems to work, don't give up hope. "If a patient has tried medications and they're not working, or refuses to try medications and wants to skip that and go to something else... Consider our four steps of overactive bladder management and how Botox can help . We've had hundreds of patients over the years ask our providers what they can do about their overactive bladder issues. Botox Bladder Injections: How Do They...